Version 123. NEW FEATURES -Offline tutorial, Newbies should use this. -Warp Point Weapon. To use, shift+insert to lay then hit insert to activate. -?zone command. tells you which zone you are in. -?lines command. allows you to set number of message lines on screen eg: ?lines=8 ENHANCEMENTS Bomb damage fixed and re-done , wahoo! New backgrounds, oooh its a planet! CHANGES You now just click on the PLAY SUBSPACE button to play. This is in readiness for our move to a web based pilot admin system. Thus to join squads or set banners you now have to exit from a game rather than click on the connect button. MISC We will soon be moving to the chicago NAP and we are still aiming for a late April launch. We will keep you posted. Enjoy! Version 122. Maintenance release. Many minor buglets fixed. Wav files re-implemented. Load your 32K or less WAV file in the menu screen then send it to a player in the game by ticking his name with PG-DN and hitting Shift+f11 or SHift+F12 Receiving WAV files is automatically DISABLED to turn receive on tick the RECEIVE WAV files button in the menu. To Stop receiving wav files from a player use the ?ignore command Wav files are implemented everywhere EXCEPT the WARZONE where it will NOT work. Extra security code implemented (yawn) Bomb damage now modeled differently accurate hits do much more damage. Weasels EMP bombs damage increased. ?alarm now sends you a small audio PING when a private message is sent. ?alarm turns it OFF DOWNLOAD model now changed. When you auto download from the game it auto detects the quickest way to update your copy. ":" is no longer allowed in your user name level download compression changed so things should download faster. SUBSPACE is now hooked up to the Scottish sheep cloning facility. Use the ?sheep command to access. version 121. BUG FIXES Another modification to multifire. Mass player dump bug fixed. NEW FEATURES Zany new ship explosions. Reworked exhaust trails. Reworked backdrops (got rid of grey planet) Terrier fire rate slightly modified. New resolution 1152*864 Remember if you experience slow down you can turn off any of the additional art. version 120. BUG FIXES Lost score bug. Hopefully nailed this one. Sorry for the pain it has caused. Hardrive access bug. Addressed it. let us know if it works with everyone. false lockouts should now be fixed. Sorry bout that guys. Banner bug (pallete) - fixed. Multifire - If you didnt take advantage of it, now you never will. Speed Zone - no more zone swapping, you bad people ;) Zone winners - Finally fixed. (phew) Repels - still unreliable weapons (they are meant to be) but will be more effective when they go off. NEW FEATURES 2 new ships Terrier - fires twin guns. About as manueverable as a leviathan. Weasel - Can detect mines on radar. Fires EMP bombs which stop an enemy from recharging. your EMP bombs can also affect YOU if you fire too close. ROCKET pickup. Hit F3 and off you go!!! Dissolve squad feature, menu option. (only the creator can dissolve a squad) Super duper background graphics. These can be turned OFF in the view/options menu. New fly under/over tiles + secret door tiles implimented. Expect the maps to be updated with them in the next few days. In running zone flags now get dropped where a player lost connection. In warzone music now plays when a team has all flags and is about to drop em. Bomb code improved. Fear the leviathan. SHIFT+PG/UP PG/DN now flips down the player list by a page. Oh yeah and we re did all the ship graphics again. NEW PLAYER COMMANDS ?chat=XXXX where XXXX is the name of the chat channel. To chat on that channel use the ; key. EG: ?chat=rod ;hello this sends the message "hello" to everybody on that chat channel. ?chat with no name removes you from a chat channel. ?log - logs all messages to a file. ?log XXXX specifies file name ?log again stopps logging. ?kill - logs all death messages to your message area so you can hit esc to see them. %killer - tells you who last killed you. %killed - tells you who you last killed. ?status - tells you how much charge rate and other powerups you have. remember 100% jav speed is faster than 100% warbird speed. :#squadname:message here Sends a mesage to everyone in that squad across all zones. #message As above but auto sends it to your squad. Right SHIFT + Function keys now gives you extra macros! (menu option) SHIFT+BKSPCE erases entire message. ----------------------------------------------------------- Version 119. -New ship graphics. (new web art available for those with sites) -New help/tutorial screens. -Teamates now give you no points if you kill them. -Suicides now impossible but you CAN damage yourself severely. -Packetloss scheme implimented to even out connections. This should allow people with bad connections to stay logged on in all but FLAG ZONES. -Names containing naughty words now blocked ,you bad people :) -Flags now do not appear until after the first minute you enter the game. -Subspace.exe now seperated from art & sound files. I future revs this will allow for much smaller updates. -In some zones you will get a %of you own bounty added to your kill(10-20%). This is an incentive to stay alive with high bounty. -Packetloss is now much more tolerant for spectators. -loads of bug fixes as per usual. SPEED ZONE This new zone is for the player who does not have much time but wants to be able to win a game. The game lasts for 1 hour and after that time the person with the highest score wins. In this game the following commands are available. ?time = time left in game ?best = your personal best. To speed up gameplay players start with 30 bounty in this zone. When you enter game or the game ends your score is reset but your best is recorded. These bests will be posted in the biweekly winners table. TURF ZONE (this one will take some fine tuning) This strategic zone is similar to the game "risk" in concept. 200 fixed flags are distributed around the map. 20 man teams compete to grab and defend territory. Every 10 mins or so you get points depending on how many flags your team owns. The map is designed to be able to make defensive "fronts" thus good squads (even small ones) can stake out their turf and defend it. We hope that this game will be a good start for ownership subgames. We will see. Version 118. Maintenance rev. More anti-lag code. If you get "warning no data from server" message just exit the game and it will save your ship provided you dont exit the subspace program. Enemy message bug fixed. Player accidental lock out bug addressed. Set banner bug fixed. (it no longer deletes your arena.lst) Save map function implimented. in the game type ?savemap saves it to a BMP file. ?savemap XXXXXX saves it to whatever name you specify (XXXX is your name) Version 117. ?IGNORE You can now IGNORE certain users who annoy you. Simply tick their name with PGDN PGUP then type ?IGNORE you will receive a confirmation message. To UNIGNORE someone simply repeat the process. you can also type ?Ignore followed by the name EG:?IGNORE RODVIK Speed increase. We sped up the game code and it should run faster on slower machines. Talk back commands. If someone send you a private message then type :: to instantly send a message back to them. After you have sent someone a message and want to switch between conversations use SHIFT PG-UP + PG DN to toggle between those people with whome you have recently chatted to. They will be highlight blue in the name box. New "slidey" icons. Icons Slide in and out. Remember if you find icons confusing the TEXT UI is still available. NOTES: This has been a tough few weeks as we have been trying to roll out the new servers. HOPEFULLY this will finally happen next week when we get the east coast server up and all zones will be replicated out there. ----------------------------------------------------------- Version 116. BRICK - F4 now drops a wall that can be used to change and enhance your base. SCORES - All scores are now downloaded from the web site. See (this is why the scores were not reset on friday not much point in reseting them only to reset them again 2 days later) ZONES - A short description of the zone is now displayed in the log on box. TILE SETS - Each zone can now have its own tileset. So each zone can look different. Version 115. ESC - Expands message box so you can look back at old messages. A maintenance release. Over the past few revs you have seen little actual 'game' changes so you deserve an explanation as to what we have been upto. The reason you had to enter your names again and the reason that the servers had a "buggy" weekend was we have just changed all of the back end to allow 100,000+ users and handle them with ease and simplicity. We simply outgrew our old way of doing things. You may not appreciate the changes now but in the future you will get better service due to this weeks changes. Thanks again for your pateince in this matter. Version 114. Back end stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.12 Rookie zone introduced for absolute beginners. No power ups that require new key strokes. Team stat box will now tell you the number of flags owned by a frequency. Lots of fixes for flag game "features" Change frequency now needs max energy when you change freq you warp. LOTS of back end code. VERSION 1.11 Anti-lag code for new flag game. Lagged players will now have extreme difficulty in disrupting the flag game. Warzone flag game changed : players must now HOLD the final flags for 60 seconds before they can win the game. Dropped flags now displayed in team flags box. "initializing game" bug fixed. Firewall users and proxy problem solved. Please download the FUN-O-TRON from the website and read the instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION 1.09 Scores have been reset. Apologies about this but we needed to change the score files. Thors Hammer is now on F6 Decoy is now on F5 (decoy now rotates) Name Box is back on F2 Veteran players who reach a certain points total now may set their personal BANNERS. Some samples have been provided but you may make your own using TEMPLATE.BMP Flag arenas the points are 20,000 points Non Flag arenas the points are 5,000 points ----------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.08 See the revised HELP file for details. 2 new weapons THORS HAMMER (F3 to fire) Massive bomb that can warp thorugh walls. DECOY (F2 to fire). A replica of yourself to fool your foes. Private Arena spawning by use of the ?GO ARENANAME command. Useful for DUELS and private battles. EG: Hey guys wann come and fight sqd on sqd type ?GO MYZONE everyone who types this then fights in private arena. WARP between PUBLIC ARENA's. For instance the WARZONE may have 6 games of 50 people each to cycle through go the SPECTATOR MODE and hit SHIFT + INSERT. Key changes. ESCAPE KEY now brings up a menu of non essential keys. SHIP CHANGES JAVELIN - This ship is now FAST but very hard to steer. LEVIATHAN - Its Lev3 bombs are now cheaper to fire. SPIDER - Comes with a free DECOY. SUPER - now gives allows you to fire your weapons for FREE instead of upgrading to max. SHEILD - now gives a % of protection that goes down over time. It is no longer 100% protection. FLAG CARRIERS now have thier names in RED. PILOT SCORES are now only shown above 1000 (plus your own). ?USAGE tells you how long you have played the game. errr thas it I think. **MInor change I reduced the energy cost for Cloak. SHould make spiders a little better. RAGNAROK IS OVER! Thanks for your support during this difficult time. The bell of time rings and the world has ended. Ragnarok is finished. From the mists comes a champion and his legion of Valkeries. Bozo! Black Hole! Time itself comes to an end and the snake eats its own tail. Ragnarok is officially over. OK guys to get back to your zones. Log into the Ragnarok one more time to get the ARENA.LST then log into your old zones as normal. Alpha zone 2 players. Please not that whatever score was highest in either Alpha zone now applies in the expanded Alpha Zone. --------------------------------------------------- Our August 2nd champions! Shoeguy [Grand Champion Pilot] --- Harvester Of Sorrow [Grand Champion Squad] D-ToX [Pilot Warzone] --- ReDS [Squad Warzone] Bozo [Pilot Alphazone] --- Black Hole [Squad Aphazone] Bozo [Pilot Alphazone2] --- Black Hole [Squad Alphazone2] --SubSpace --------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.07 is current Arena Spawning implimented. For the next 24 hours RAGNAROK will be the only available zone. ALL SCORES IN OTHER ZONES HAVE BEEN SAVED. On Wednesday Aug 7th all old arenas will be back up. Until then enjoy the mayhem of Ragnarok. In Ragnarok the zone spawns a new arena when players reach critical mass. This allows multiple game arenas sharing a score data base within a single zone game type. Remember all old arenas will be back up on Aug 7th and all scores have been saved. Enjoy. VERSION 1.06 is current More internal changes. Special thanks to Richard Wacker for helping us with bugs. Version 1.07 will be early next week. Please dont bother complaining about numerous upgrades. Thats why its called a beta test. VERSION 1.05 is current. New internal protocol implimented. You are now able to set what 'bounty' enemy ships become light blue at. %redname, %redflags, %redbounty are new macros for flag game. Closest red person,bounty and flags. VERSION 1.03 is current. User interface is now configurable unser VIEW/OPTIONS. Users of slower machines may want to use text UI. Mines now appear different to bombs. SERVER UPDATE - Invinsible bug addressed. Thanks Arbitrage! CURRENT VERSION IS 1.02 Users asked for demographic info. New User Interface New help file to learn icons F2 gives team stats Bombs give "kick" and new anims. new bullet damage levels (Lev1's now are more powerful.) Glue replaced by engine shutdown. Burst shrapnel will only damage you after it has bounced. New sounds Ability to become spectator and change ships in game F11 & F12 ------------------------------------------------- CURRENT VERSION IS 1.00 Doors fixed. Antiwarp now only affects enemies. League SYSOP stuff implimented. ------------------------------------------------- CURRENT VERSION IS .99 Ghost has been replaced by ANTIWARP this device prevents nearby enemies from warping. NEW weapon - BURST, Activated by SHIFT+DELETE New Arena structure you must graduate from one arena to play the next. PBOMBS now have a saftey fuse to stop you killing yourself. You no longer receive flag points if you are in a safezone. When you enter a safezone all bombs & mines of yours are destroyed. CURRENT VERSION IS .97 Another latency reducing rev. Lots and lots of internal stuff. Messages: You can now send a messages to an enemy team by picking a player and starting the message with " Standard messages now go to everyone nearby (roughly radar distance) Prizes should now be more common. CURRENT VERSION IS .95 Technical update (no goodies) rev. Latency code debugged and optimized. ?Team gives a list of that players teamates. you dont take damage if you have nearly full energy. CURRENT VERSION IS .94 Gates implimented. Game should now work with NT Game now works with TRUMPET (maybe) New directX drivers in full rev. Type ?flags to see who has flags. Game jittering reduced (maybe) In game commands - (sorry i didnt post them before) When sending radio messages there are now some new commands you can put in to make sending messages easier. In the message if you add the following case sensitve key letters then they will do the following. These are best made as macros. %coord = Prints out your co-ordinates. EG: "Hi guys I am at %coord " will come out as "Hi guys I am at H11" %area = Gives text description of your area. EG: "Hi guys I am in %area " will come out as "Hi guys I am in upper left." %selfname = Gives your own name in game EG: "I am %selfname" will display as " I am Rodvik" %tickname = prints the name you have ticked on the stat box. EG:"Ok %tickname" will display as "Ok persons name" %squad = prints out what sqd you are on. %frq = prints out what frequency you are on. %bounty = prints your bounty. %flags = how many flags you have. %energy = much energy you have. %sheild = how much longer you have left with sheilds. %super = how much longer you have super left. CURRENT VERSION IS .92 Fixed graphics glitch bug that would have paralyzed slower machines. CURRENT VERSION IS .91 Message censoring implimented for those who dont wanna hear the bad language. Wormhole implimented with Gravity. Wormholes inflict damage and warp you. ------------------------------------------------- CURRENT VERSION IS .90 (be up in a bit) Sectors now displayed on map to help you find your way around. Flag carriers are colored red on radar. Spectator mode bugs fixed. Flag (no score) bug fixed. Sorry about that. Radar bug fixed. Gamma correction implimented. F9 to activate in game. CURRENT VERSION IS .89 If a player is in a safe zone with flags, he loses them if he is shot or bombed. He takes no other damage. CURRENT VERSION IS .88 "Capture the flag sub game added." The first team to capture all 16 flags gets a points bonus. Flags appear as red crates and do not appear on radar. In the top right of screen is a number. A:B Flag. A = Your flag B = Team flags. Name tags now are displayed as follows. Rodvik AA:B AA=bounty B= Flags carried. If you kill a player you get his flags. Bullet damage points changed. Now less random and generally do less "big hit" damage. If you lose your connection to the game and fly to a safe zone you can reconnect and your ship will be saved. If you exit the app you will lose your ship. Turrets now require 12pnts bounty before they can attach. (No more neg turrets). Possibly we have fixed the "no run" bug that dumps you back to desktop. (maybe). SNIPER IRC CHANNEL. Some very cool sniper pilots have gone and setup the sniper irc channel at #sniper Here pilots meet and plot about better ways to kill you. Can you afford not to check it out? #sniper WEB MESSSAGE BOARD NOW UP! A simple web message board has been included in the SNIPER home page. New SSEETUP87 auto installer now available.